Thursday, October 18, 2007

My Space

Returned today to the My Space account I set up a few months ago. Not likely to use this much, although the teenage daughter of a friend of mine is 'talking' with me on My Space, so that is interesting. I did lots of letter writing to my best friend when I was a teenager & I can see how MySpace may have been very seductive, had we had it at the time! Back then we were listening to serials on the radio & the Argonauts Club on the ABC (no TV!) and writing letters! The photo is of Argonaut Peter Finch, before he joined up in World War ll, with fellow Argonaut, Andrina Watton from the The Birth of the ABC - Photogallery
For those who have never heard of the Argonauts it was a radio club with over 100,000 members aged 7-17. Each member was allocated a ship name and number - one of Jason's fleet - on a quest for the mythical fleece in a world beyond adult control...

The Club encouraged children's contributions of writing, music, poetry or art and was one of the ABC's most popular children's programs, running six days a week for 28 years, until it was broadcast only on Sundays and was finally discontinued in 1972. Any former Argonauts out there? I was a regular listener to the show, but never did join up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The main difference, of course, between you sending notes to your friends at school (as I did, mostly in Maths class, since I already knew parabolas were never going to be a feature of my life) is that young MySpace users communicate their entire lives online. I worry that it's a bit dangerous, as this generation can communicate with unknown people on the other side of the world with the tap of a key, and therefore are not as suspicious of strangers as we are. I think that they sometimes don't realise that sadly not everyone has good intentions, and some aspects of our private lives should remain exactly that ... private.