Thursday, October 11, 2007


Have just been exploring Technorati. Interesting to see what makes it into the top 20 most popular blogs. I see the Huffington Post there at no.5 Just heard about this news source a few days ago, so will keep an eye on it for a little while to see what I think.

Going back to my passion for textiles, I did some searching and when I used specific search terms I did find a few blogs of interest.
Shibori girl World Shibori Network Ragged Cloth Cafe art cloth text Dancing on temple tops

Also found postsecret at no.14! Happy to see that...just discovered it yesterday (see my previous post about it) It's a great site. Ordered a copy of the newly published book A Lifetime of secrets for the library today


Bonito Club said...

I love the Japanese style of tie-dyed indigo cloth, so that's shibori?

jwa said...

Shibori is the collective term in Japanese for tie-dye, stitch-dye, fold-dye, pole wrap-dye, etc. It is translated into English as shaped-resist dyeing, because no comparable embracing term exists in
It's a highly developed art in Japan & traditionally was always done using indigo dye. It's a magical process, because as you pull the dyed cloth out of the dye bath the indigo starts going blue, when it hits the oxygen in the air.
There's a great little shop in Kyoto ( quite difficult to find, but I persevered)that does only indigo dying & shibori. If you're interested I can give you the details. I found it in the book
Old Kyoto: A Guide to Traditional Shops, Restaurants, and Inns by
Diane Durston

Bonito Club said...

Thanks - I've seen that book at Readings.